ABAP - Learning new topics
How can you learn the latest SAP and ABAP topics and stay up to date? In this article we look at our strategy.
ABAP Cloud - Clean Core (Scenarios)
In this article, let's take another look at the Clean Core architecture with ABAP Cloud, where it is used and where you should build your applications.
ABAP Cloud - Programming Model
Which programming model is used with ABAP Cloud and what can we learn from its predecessor? More details in the article.
ABAP Cloud - ADT Trees (Overview)
What help and overviews are available in the ABAP Development Tools to simplify your life with ABAP Cloud?
ABAP Cloud - Relevant Objects
Which objects are still relevant in ABAP development and which ones can you slowly put away? Find out more here.
ABAP Cloud - Locks
What do you need to set locks for and how can you easily do that in ABAP Cloud? In this article we will look at the process in detail.
ABAP Cloud - HTTP Client
What does the current HTTP client in ABAP Cloud look like? Let's take a look at the new model.
How much Fiori do ABAP developers need?
The Learning Roadmap for ABAP is full of new topics, but what about frontend development for the ABAP developer?
ABAP Cloud - Key User Apps
Key Uer Extensibility is a part of ABAP Cloud when it comes to extending the core, but how can you use the tools effectively and how can you complement them?
ABAP Cloud - JSON Conversion
Is there a new API for converting JSON and do you need it for ABAP Cloud? Here we will take a look at the structure and conversion of JSON.
ABAP - CDS Extraktor
How does the CDS extractor work in ABAP and what challenges are there when developing with it. In this article we will look at some details
ABAP Cloud - Number ranges
How can you use number ranges in ABAP Cloud and does this actually still make sense? In this article we will look at some of the background information.
ABAP Cloud - Data Types
What does it actually look like when using data elements in ABAP Cloud? In this article we look at alternatives in the definition.
SAP Learning Roadmap (Roles)
How can you use the SAP Learning Roadmap for yourself? Here we look at different situations and roles in ABAP development.
ABAP Cloud - Deprecation Flow
What tools are available to you in ABAP to release objects or make them obsolete? Let's take a look at the details here.
ABAP Cloud - Translation
How are applications and texts translated in ABAP Cloud? Here is a summary and overview of the possibilities.
ABAP Cloud - Tables
What about accessing tables in ABAP Cloud? In this article, we will look at the strategy for finding alternatives.
ABAP Cloud - Software Components and Relations
How can you use software components in ABAP Cloud meaningful and effectively in your development? We will explore this question in this article.
ABAP Cloud - Checklist for Implementation
What do you actually have to consider when implement ABAP Cloud into your S/4 HANA system? Here is a small checklist.
ABAP Cloud - Program
What happens next with the ABAP Report and which migration strategies are available to you for ABAP Cloud? Let's take a look at the objects here
ABAP Cloud - Migration (Frontend)
How do you migrate a classic report to ABAP Cloud? In this article we look at an example of a migration.
ABAP Unit - Test execution
What options are there for executing ABAP Unit and what hidden functions do you perhaps not know yet? More details on the different
ABAP Cloud - Mails
Send emails with ABAP Cloud? Actually as easy as always, just with small differences that we want to clarify in this article.
ABAP Cloud - Background processing
How do you actually outsource memory-intensive processes to the background and monitor them in ABAP Cloud? In this article, we will look at the framework of a
ABAP Cloud - Table maintenance
What actually comes after SM30 and how can you use the Business Configuration as a central maintenance for your tables today? Read more in this
ABAP Cloud - Parallel processing
The CL_ABAP_PARALLEL class has been around for a while and is also used in ABAP Cloud. In this article you will learn more about its use and effects.
This article is about the ABAP Feature Matrix for developers, what the background is and how you can use it.
ABAP Cloud - Migration (example)
In this article we will take an example of migrating a report from TIER-3 to ABAP Cloud.
ABAP Cloud - 3-TIER Model
The 3-TIER model is an essential part of the transition architecture towards the ABAP Cloud. In this section we will go into more detail about the structure.
ABAP Cloud - Introduction
What is ABAP Cloud, what does it do and how can we use it? This article is about introducing the topic.
ABAP Cloud vs. ABAP in the Cloud
The terms actually sound quite similar and are unfortunately often mistaken for the same thing. In this article we will look at the differences.
ABAP Cloud - Jobs
What do jobs actually look like in ABAP Cloud and how are they created and used in the new world? You can find out more about this in this article.
ABAP Cloud - Logging
In this article, let's take a look at the topic of logging and how it works under ABAP Cloud, and we'll look at the differences and similarities.
ABAP Unit - Automation
When do objects break during development and what side effects can adjustments have? In this article we take a closer look at the topic.
ABAP Cloud - Cloudification Repository
What is the Cloudification Repository and how can it help you write future-proof code? More in today's article.
Modernize your ABAP
What is behind this somewhat provocative statement and how can you gradually get to modern ABAP? Everything in this article.
Code vs. Vacancy
We came across a current job posting on LinkedIn that made us smile. In this article, we reverse engineer them.
ABAP Unit - TDF (Function Double)
In this article, let's take a look at how we can deal with function modules as dependencies without testing them as well.
ABAP - ALV still relevant in 2022?
Today the joking question, do we still need reports that generate ALV outputs in 2022? In this article, we want to look into this question.
ABAP in Change
The programming language ABAP has been changing for years and is being modernized in various concepts. In this article, we'll look at it in detail.
ABAP - What's next
In this article, we want to look ahead to the year and what it will bring to you as a developer. A small preview of our core topics.
ABAP Unit - Tips
At the end of the series, a few tips that we would like to give you along the way. This is about shortcuts and general information about the tests.
ABAP Unit - Software architecture
What could the target architecture look like in a SAP system if we look at our own software components? We want to clarify this in this article.
ABAP Unit - Testable Code (Part 3)
Here we take a closer look at the options for deactivating dependent components in your own coding during the test period.
ABAP Unit - Testable Code (Part 2)
This article is about test isolation and how it makes our code more testable.
ABAP Unit - Testable Code (Part 1)
In this article, we'll look at how you can cleanly implement new functions in older code and then test it.
ABAP Unit - Test OData
This article is about the testability of OData Services and how you can use it to test interfaces quickly and easily.
ABAP Unit - TDF (Test Double)
This article is about switching off the Depend-On Component and how you can easily test such components.
ABAP Unit - TDF (CDS Double)
This article is about the test of Core Data Services and how you can switch off the test doubles with the help of the TDF.
ABAP Unit - TDF (SQL Double)
In this article we take a closer look at the SQL Double and how you can gain independence from the database.
ABAP Unit - Test framework
This article is about testing private methods and simply disabling dependent on components in code.
ABAP Unit - Structure of test cases
In this article we will take a look at how a test case in ABAP Unit should be structured in order to be easy to read and still is well structured.
ABAP Unit - Analysis
This article is about the analysis of the test cases that we have written, how do we get the necessary information and how we can interpret it.
ABAP Unit - Legacy objects
This article is about so-called legacy code and how you can use ABAP Unit there too. However, we can only recommend this type to a limited extent.
ABAP Unit - Basics
This article covers the basics of implementing unit tests with ABAP. At this point we want to give you a brief overview.
ABAP - Outlook new articles
Today a short look at the upcoming topics in the ABAP area and what we have planned for the series.
ABAP - Naming conventions
How important is it nowadays to adhere to naming conventions or even to use naming conventions in the modern ABAP environment? We want to look at that in this a
This article is about the scheduling of jobs with the help of the class CL_BP_ABAP_JOB and why it is better to use the class than the function modules.
ABAP - Skills of the future (Community Call)
One of the last SAP community calls was about the topic of must-learn skills for the near future. We'll give you a brief summary of what happened.
ABAP - Skills of the future
As an ABAP developer, what skills will you need in the future and what can you learn from topics today? In this article we will show you where the journey is go
ABAP - BOPF data model
Today we want to show you the finished data model of our BOPF and how we created the individual structures and tables.
ABAP Quick - Where-Used list messages
When working with BAPIs and messages, it usually comes to a loss of searchability in the use of messages because they are firmly created in structures.
Type pools are obsolete, but the use continues. How best to deal with it in the future, you will find out here today.
ABAP - BOPF Define a node
Today it is about the definition of a node in the data model, which structures are defined and what does that mean in detail. More in the article.
ABAP Quick - Read table with RFC
Reading in a table via RFC function module is very easy, if you create a specific module for it. Reading any table can be just as easy.
ABAP - BOPF structure
How is a business object constructed and structured, what can you do on one node and how does it influence the whole model? We clarify this in this article.
ABAP Obsolete - Create GUID
How do you create a unique identification (ID) in the system? You probably know the answer, but is it still up to date?
In this article, we'll introduce you to the tools for creating, editing, and testing the BOPF so you can start developing your own business objects soon.
ABAP - BOPF General
Start of a new series about BOPF of SAP. What is it about and how can you use it effectively for yourself? You will learn this from us.
ABAP Quick - Editable popup
Have you ever searched for an easy way to view and change your data? Here you can find out how easy it will be for you in the future.
ABAP Quick - Classes for an interface
Read and validate all implementing classes for an interface. We'll show you how to do it easily and use it dynamically.
ABAP Quick - Backup for reports
Save your own reports locally with one click? In this article, we'll show you how to do that without much effort.
ABAP Quick - Min/max values of data types
Sometimes it is important to know the maximum limits of a data type before assigning a value to them. We show you today in our tip how it works.
ABAP Quick - Create POST Request
How can you easily create a POST request on a domain and process the result? We'll show you how the REST connection works very easily.
ABAP - String functions (Part 2)
There are many new inline functions in New ABAP. We want to deal with those for string processing today and show you some advantages.
ABAP Quick - Dynamic method calls
Not always is a direct method call, that brings you to your goal. Maybe you want to bring some dynamism in your programming, in addition to our today's tip
ABAP - String templates (Part 1)
The processing and creation of strings has been adjusted once more by SAP. The new structure of the strings is now easier and offers many advantages.
ABAP Quick - Loop at Groups
Sometimes you want to loop through certain groups of a determined amount of data. With today's command we want to show you a simple method from the standar
ABAP Quick - Popup to all users
Here's a quick tip on how you can read all current users who are logged into the system, what they are doing and how you can send them a personal message.
ABAP - Internal tables (example)
Performance when accessing internal tables may vary depending on access. How to check your data and the times, we'll show you in this article.
ABAP - Internal tables (performance)
The second part for the topic internal tables, their processing and performance in accessing the data. Today with a focus on performance in reading the data.
ABAP - Internal tables (read)
New functions and commands have been implemented for accessing internal tables. How these work and what to consider, we show you here.
ABAP Quick - Ping system
In today's tip, we show you how to test an RFC connection to another system before using it. This will allow you to verify if the connection is available..
ABAP - Corresponding and Value
The two expressions focus primarily on creating structures and moving data content in the context of tables. We want to show you today the two statements and wh
ABAP - New, Cast, Conv
Many of the new expressions are so-called constructor expressions. What exactly that means for you and what it brings you find out here in our article.
ABAP Quick - Random numbers
How do you create a neatly working random number generator in ABAP? We show you in this little article and what you should pay attention to.
ABAP Quick - Compare tables
Imagine you are currently implementing an ALV with editing functions and would like to compare what has changed after editing by the user? No problem, we'l
ABAP Quick - Callstack
Sometimes you want to know where you stand or just to make sure that the program or the method was called at the right time? We help you out with this simple im
ABAP Obsolete - Call Method
Of course, the obsolete command does not mean the use of classes, but rather the use of additional commands to call and use methods.
ABAP - Structuring a report
What's next after the virtual end of the form? How should you build a report, what should be considered and what is there for useful things. More you can r
ABAP Obsolete - Form
When you are buidling a report in SAP the first thing you will need is a usefull structure, this is why many devolpers use Form for this. But what can you do no
Automated updating of lists, logs or status indicators? No problem for you with our little tip for a simple automation with a SAP standard class.
ABAP - Obsolete and other series
In addition to the new topics around SAP development, there are of course many other areas that are affected by newer versions and upgrades of the system.
ABAP - Rules for data definition
When using the Inline declaration, there are some special cases when dealing with methods and function modules that should be considered.
ABAP - Inline declaration (DATA)
Here you will get to know the revised DATA statement and how to use it very effectively for inline declarations in your ABAP code.