This is a test message to test the length of the message box.

Important CDS Annotations


What are important annotations for Core DATA Services and what are they needed for? On this page we want to summarize important annotations over time and briefly explain the meaning. You can find more information about the individual annotations in the annotation definition, more on this in this article.


Annotation Description
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName Defines the underlying view in the ABAP Dictionary that is generated from the CDS Views
@EndUserText.label Defines the description, which can also be defined via the "Properties" view
@Semantics.currencyCode The following field is a currency field
@Semantics.amount.currencyCode Specifies the currency field used for the following amount field


Hint: The list is currently under construction and will be added to. If you also have annotations that are important, just get in touch with us.