Manage notes and learn better
Category - General
Nowadays, we mostly take notes with smart devices and in electronic form. Here I would like to share my experience in connection with memory and learning.
03/16/2025Category - General
Nowadays, we mostly take notes with smart devices and in electronic form. Here I would like to share my experience in connection with memory and learning.
03/16/2025Category - General
In this short article I would like to take a personal look back at the year 2024 and share something with you about my everyday life.
12/29/2024Category - General
In this personal blog I would like to give some insights behind the scenes of SAP TechEd 2024 and how my talk went.
10/14/2024Category - General
An eventful year is coming to an end. In this review we look back at the current year and look ahead to the next year.
12/29/2023Category - General
We started this blog about 5 years ago and would like to celebrate the anniversary with you today. What has changed in the 5 years, where was the focus and what did not work so well.
09/01/2023Category - General
Today we look back on the past year 2022 and what has been driving us around on the blog this year.
12/30/2022Category - General
The year 2021 is coming to an end and, like every year, we want to give a little review of the past year and what has happened on our side.
12/31/2021Category - General
Even if the year was determined by COVID-19, we have implemented some innovations and articles on our site. You can find out what exactly happened here.
12/31/2020Category - General
The year 2019 is coming to an end and we want to give you a brief review of the topics of this year.
12/30/2019Category - General
What did the year 2018 bring us here? In addition, a small review of the past and what we have done everything.
12/31/2018Category - General
We would like to briefly introduce you to our most important points and contents in this first post. Look forward to many exciting and interesting content around the topic of development and more.