This is a test message to test the length of the message box.


We use software and different components from developers, projects and companies. Now the list of content of the individual components and a big thanks for the free provision of the frameworks and plugins.


1) CK4Editor

A very good WYSIWYG editor we use for our CMS and the editing of the content on our webpage. Due to the different possibilities of adjustability a good choice. If you want to know more, just click here.


2) Prism

For syntax and code highlighting we use the Javascript plugin Prism. On the website you choose your individual package with development languages to keep the solution as lean and performant as possible.


3) JpGraph

For the creation of evaluations and the display of charts we use the PHP Framework JpGraph. The framework offers many types of charts and graphs and is easy to build and integrate.


4) PHPMailer

For the sending of e-mails we use the PHP framework PHPMailer, so that the e-mails arrive fast and surely in your inbox.


5) LEClient

For the automatic generation of the SSL certificates we use the Let's Encrypt Client from yourivw (Github), which was written in PHP and handles the necessary steps with the web API.


6) Browser Detector

The evaluation of the user requests is done via the browser detector of sinergi (Github), so that we can make statements regarding the browser and performance. The mini framework was written in PHP.


7) Pictures

We use most of our images from the page Unsplash and the respective authors are mentioned as source under the pictures.

The title image has no source, it's from @rawpixel from Unsplash.