How can you provide the user with default values in the popup of an action in #RAP? In this article we will extend our application: Article
How can you learn the latest #SAP and #ABAP topics and stay up to date? In this article we look at our strategy: Article
How can you actually define required fields for a popup in #RAP? In this article we will go into the details in more detail: Article
In this article, let's take another look at the Clean Core architecture with #ABAP Cloud, where it is used and where you can build your applications: Article
Is it currently possible to pass tables to actions in #RAP? This article is intended to provide a better insight into the topic: Article
Which programming model is used with #ABAP Cloud and what can we learn from its predecessor? More details in the article: Article
A new overview has been created to provide insights into the keywords used. With the Keyword Matrix you can filter the content according to the keywords.
The year 2024 is coming to an end, what happened on Software-Heroes in the area of #ABAP? Let's take a quick look back and enjoy the highlights of the year: Article
In this short article I would like to take a personal look back at the year 2024 and share something with you about my everyday life: Article
How can you update parts of the #Fiori UI without doing a complete refresh? With Side Effects, this is easily possible in #ABAP and #RAP: Article
How can you actually create events in #RAP and process them with #ABAP? Here you can find out more about event-driven processing: Article
In this practical example we look at processing Excel in #ABAP with the new XCO classes and how we get the file into our #RAP object: Article
What help and overviews are available in the #ABAP Development Tools to simplify your life with #ABAP Cloud? Article
What do you need the semantic key for and how is it represented in the #ABAP RESTful Programming Model? You can find out more here: Article
How can you easily load files into your #RAP object and make them available in #ABAP? Let's take a look at the details: Article
Here you can find the material for the #ABAPConf 2024 session "ABAP Cloud - A Life after the Report": Overview
How is the Report Pattern structured in #RAP and what can you do with it? Read more in this #ABAP article: Article
In this article we look at how to get the #SAP #BTP #ABAP Environment to the right size for you: Article
What can the XCO library for Excel in #ABAP actually do? Here we look at the current status of the API: Article
The Application Job has received a new version and with it new functions in the #ABAP Environment. In this article we look at the differences: Article