This is a test message to test the length of the message box.
BTP Connect On-Premise function module
Created by Software-Heroes

BTP - Connect on-premise (Function module)


Here we look at the connection of a function module in the ABAP environment and how you can call it.

In another article we have already queried on-premise data from the backend system via OData. In this article we will take a look at the function module construct and for whom this scenario is relevant.



When the ABAP Environment was released by SAP, many things did not yet exist and the range of functions was still very rudimentary. This also included the access methods to the backend. Access to RFC function modules was only implemented much later in order to give customers the option of continuing to use existing scenarios on the BTP.

Hint: Therefore, this technology should be used with caution as it is intended only to buy a transition to OData. So if there are CDS Views or OData that you can use, then you'd better do that.


Structure On-Premise

We use the same data that we used in the OData article. To do this, we create a function module and implement a rudimentary access logic to the data. There are two import parameters for name and branch. We then return the entries and a possible error text.

FUNCTION z_bs_demo_get_cnames
    VALUE(id_name) TYPE zbs_dmo_cname-name
    VALUE(id_branch) TYPE zbs_dmo_cname-branch
    VALUE(et_cnames) TYPE zbs_t_demo_cnames
    VALUE(ed_error) TYPE string.

    lt_r_name   TYPE RANGE OF zbs_dmo_cname-name,
    lt_r_branch TYPE RANGE OF zbs_dmo_cname-branch.

      IF id_name IS NOT INITIAL.
        INSERT VALUE #( sign = 'I' option = 'CP' low = id_name ) INTO TABLE lt_r_name.

      IF id_branch IS NOT INITIAL.
        INSERT VALUE #( sign = 'I' option = 'CP' low = id_name ) INTO TABLE lt_r_branch.

      SELECT FROM zbs_dmo_cname
        FIELDS *
        WHERE name IN @lt_r_name
          AND branch IN @lt_r_branch
        INTO TABLE @et_cnames.

    CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(lo_error).
      ed_error = lo_error->get_text( ).



Next, we also need the function module metadata, but no URL is used here since there is no public endpoint. To do this, we call transaction ACO_PROXY on the backend system and make the following settings:


In the lower area, the transaction must be set to File so that a metadata description is generated. When running the report, you will be asked for the file name and location. With this step we have extracted the metadata of the function module.


Consumption Model

Now we can create the consumption model for the function module in the ABAP environment. To do this, we select "New -> Other Repository Object" on the package ZBS_DEMO_RAP_INTERFACE via the context menu (right-click) and search for the "Service Consumption Model". Then we get to the selection dialog and fill the fields with information, whereby the mode should be set to RFC:


In the next step we enter the metadata description (path of the file) and in the next step we confirm the transport:


Corresponding objects are now generated, including the consumption model and the proxy class. The proxy class will be available for us to access later:



Now we want to read the data sets and implement some example coding. To do this, we create a separate connection for RFC access via the destination and transfer this to the constructor of the proxy class. We can call the function module as a method of the class, the types are already defined in the class:

DATA(lo_destination) = cl_rfc_destination_provider=>create_by_cloud_destination( c_destination ).

NEW zbs_demo_rap_onprem_func( lo_destination )->z_bs_demo_get_cnames(
    id_branch = ''
    id_name   = ''
    ed_error  = DATA(ld_error)
    et_cnames = DATA(lt_company_names)


We don't pass any constraints and let the results be returned. We now output this to the console and get the following result:


The full implementation in the test class looks like this:

    INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun.

      c_destination TYPE string VALUE `<destination-service-id>`.

CLASS zcl_bs_demo_read_func IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.
        DATA(lo_destination) = cl_rfc_destination_provider=>create_by_cloud_destination( c_destination ).

        NEW zbs_demo_rap_onprem_func( lo_destination )->z_bs_demo_get_cnames(
            id_branch = ''
            id_name   = ''
            ed_error  = DATA(ld_error)
            et_cnames = DATA(lt_company_names)

        out->write( 'Error from backend:' ).
        out->write( ld_error ).
        out->write( 'Companies:' ).
        out->write( lt_company_names ).

      CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(lo_error).
        out->write( lo_error->get_text( ) ).



In some places, calling an RFC function module is much clearer and easier than the OData service, but should not tempt you to only use function modules. It is an easy alternative for the transition towards OData.

Included topics:
BTPRAPABAP EnvironmentOn-PremiseFunction Module
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