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Flutter Engage
Created by Software-Heroes

Flutter - #FlutterEngage


The FlutterEngage event is over and there was again a lot of helpful and interesting information for all Flutter developers among us. We want to briefly summarize the most important points here.

Of course, you can find out the most important points again via the official Flutter Channel on YouTube and we will link you to the summary again. But we also want to share our thoughts with you and share the joy.


Stable Channel

Other operating systems have now come into the stable channel, including finally the web. This means that your websites and PWAs are finally quite stable and reliable and better support is guaranteed. Furthermore, the number of systems supported at the same time has grown again, currently these are:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Web
  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Linux


And all of this with a codebase in darts and an approximate degree of reuse of 95%. This allows you to provide standardized software to many platforms and saves you a lot of additional effort in development. This also means that companies will save themselves large development departments in the future to make a product available. The framework is definitely going in the right direction here.


Flutter folio

GSkinner have once again outdone themselves and provided an app that works on all platforms. You can find out more about this prototype on the official website, there you will also find a link to the source code on Git, if you want to see how development works in large development departments.


Breakout Sessions

Furthermore, four exciting sessions were offered on the side, which show useful tips and new ways. The topic of ads was finally addressed so that they can be better embedded in a flutter application and not rigidly embedded on the screen. Be sure to check out the sessions:



The event was definitely a real must for every Flutter developer or anyone who would like to deal with the topic in more detail. But you still have the opportunity to catch up on the sessions and watch all videos on the official channel.

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