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My Community - Update (February 2025)


All SAP and ABAP blogs in one place? My Community is delivering many new features with the February update.

Some time has passed since the last update in August. What new features have been added to the app and how can you best use the app? In this article you will learn more about the changes.



The My Community App was an idea to improve the site, as the overview and findability of content had deteriorated significantly after the migration to the new khoros framework. Likewise, the community is no longer as active as it was before the migration and in many cases the platform also fights against content from ChatGPT and Co.


My Community

The app is a mini-app and does not need to be installed on your device. With an account on our website, you can easily access the app via the browser and enjoy the following features:

  • Custom compilation of SAP Community Blogs by boards and products
  • Various variants
  • Mark articles as read
  • Bookmarks and folders for articles
  • Notifications for every day or once a week (mail)



In this chapter you will find the February updates and new features in the application.


Community Blogs

The first community blogs have now been integrated into the application. The first version went online at the end of January, but was unfortunately still a bit slow when loading the data. This means that blogs from the community can now be displayed. As always, the content remains on the respective blogs and you only get navigation to the respective article.


You can find the various community blogs in the settings in the app, divided according to the language of the blog. If you understand the language, you can also mix different languages in your feed. We have marked companies in the list because we cannot guarantee that the blogs are free of advertising for products or the company.



The notifications have been expanded so that you can also add new community blogs to the notification. This way you stay up to date with your entire feed and can enjoy current content from the community.



A major innovation is the creation of a feed from your settings. As with the notification, a list of SAP Community and Community Blogs is created and made available as an RSS feed. You can then embed the feed in your feed reader using the generated link. The perfect feed-ception for anyone who likes to consume their news this way.



With the integration of the community, a major goal has been achieved in providing a source for all SAP and ABAP blogs and news. The list of blogs was compiled via the community and research, but probably does not cover the entire community. If you know of other websites, just get in touch using the contact form or a social media channel.



The latest update delivers many interesting features and finally brings the good content together in one place where it can be easily consumed. If you haven't tried the app yet, then it's time.

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